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Monday, December 12, 2011

Still Don't Believe??

Are you one of those that STILL trying to make excuses for The Denver Broncos success??
 ( Specifically, Concerning Tim Tebow??) 

He's not a Tom Brady... 

He isn't a Rothlisburger...

His Defense is the one doing all the work... ( The Defensive Line DOES keep them in the game, but, please...)

He's more like a Vince Young... ( WHAT the HECK??? *SMH* I totally dont know what is up with that comment!) 

Let me Clue you in....

Its a little something called LEADERSHIP

Wikipedia Defines Leadership as: 

Leadership has been described as the “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task".[1] 

Another Definition of Leadership : ( via Leadersdirect.com)

Leadership = promoting new directions by example or advocating by a better way. It works through influence, not by making decisions for people. 

Its NOT  about being the BEST athlete.. ( which by the way is improving He has thrown 4 1,290 yds, has 11 TD only 2 Int's With a QB rating of 83.9 in the last 8 Starts! but I digress)


I don't Seem to Recall this happening with Kyle Orton at the Helm. 

With The ENTIRE Team's Effort, Tim Tebow as Quarterback of the Denver Broncos has managed to do what John Elway couldn't on his own( I gasp typing this being an OLD SCHOOL Broncos fan)

 What John Fox couldn't do on his own, what Brian Xanders, Joe Ellis, or Pat Bowlen couldn't do on their own! 

But, with His  "leadership skills" has managed to pull together what was in such disarray from the disaster that was left behind from Josh Mc Daniels. 

As a Lifelong Denver Broncos Fan, I couldn't be happier!!

So, go ahead and continue to think up excuses & reasons for the Denver Broncos Success. 

You'll realize your Foolishness sooner or later! 


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Random thoughts about Tim Tebow


I dont think I have EVER in my ENTIRE LIFE Been SO PROUD of my QB, or to call myself a Broncos FAN!

I am So Proud of my Quarterback such an OUTSTANDING example of what it means to be a Christ Follower , a Player in the NFL. Such a bold stand for your Faith week after week, on that kind of Stage is something very commendable. For me it all boils down to this answer to Rich Eisen's Question:

 Rich Eisen:" It really is remarkable what all this has become, I know your Used to a certain level of fame from the college level,but what you have been able to accomplish in just 5 starts is truly amazing to people on the out side so, now I'd like to just lift the hood so to speak & see how your able to keep this all in perspective"

Tim: "It is very exciting & we're very excited about the wins we've been able to put together but, I think, in what you were elluding to earlier, just with the support I think, the greatest thing for me is we play a game out here & we're very passionate as you can see me playing out here today, & I love it & I care about it, but, the greatest thing about this sport, & the NFL is we have such a platform, & we can take that platform & we can influence the next generation, & honestly that is my Passion, this week we got to announce that I was building a hospital in the Philippines, and this game here means alot, but, that hospital means more to me, cause that's changing peoples lives, that's giving people faith, & hope & love and thats more important. So, my ultimate goal with this, with playing football, Is to be a great role model, that a parent can look at their son and say, that's someone whos trying to do it the right way, he's not perfect, but, every day he's trying to do a little bit better, & Honor God, do the right thing, do whats's right, & do his best".


An NFL Player that Understands & Uses his Influence in the NFL to Fulfill the Great Commission!
Amazing! even if I hadn't been a Denver Broncos Fan all of my Life, He would have my Utmost Respect!

Broncos, Tim Tebow rally to beat Vikings 35-32; now tied atop AFC West - The Denver Post:

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