Welcome to my Blog

This is My Blog. The Content Of this Blog Changes, and WILL Change. It is about Everything that is Important to me! So, I hope you enjoy this brief glimpse in to my Brain!

HTML Marquees

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Dream

This Has been Something that has been running threw my Mind a lot lately! I work outside the home and there have been things Going on at home that have really made Working the hours i want to work difficult. So, i have been thinking...What if i could get something going at home, (marketing, selling eBay etc..)that would supplement my contribution to our household finances, and Help my household in general.Then maybe someday hopefully i could do it most of the time. So, i could quit my day job and do something I really feel like is my Purpose in life . I really feel Called to Live a life of Service to others, Specifically, Women in need, Kids in need. My Church has a Ministry called Wings of Hope that attend my church, and its TRULY amazing. Wings of Hope is A Prison Ministry Dedicated to Helping women that have Been in trouble with the Law. They come from all different backgrounds and There is an amazing Woman Named Linda Kluczinske who is the founder of this Ministry. Wings of Hope is a residency ministry to women returning from jail or prison. Lives are changed..recidivism is less than 5%. Families are restored and the ladies become productive members of our community. So I guess that is it! My starting Place i suppose is with the help for Hurting Women Ministry that meets at my Church. I hope this is what i was suppose to Blog about. Either way, I'm glad i did because this is something i have been rolling around in my Brain for Quite sometime.


  1. That's an amazing ministry, and I can only imagine how much a computer could help!

    Blessing to you and your family, and good luck!

  2. Sometimes putting your thoughts down can really help you see what you are meant to be doing with your life. Follow your dreams you will get where you want! If you want to work from home if you have any type of admin background consider VA work. Feel free to email me if you want!

  3. I love the bible verse on your header. Lean not on your own understanding... so many years I did the opposite. It's amazing what happens when you lean on God instead.

    Thanks for entering my giveaway. Good luck!
